Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery
1st floor stop! 
You know what really gnaws at me? People who will wait 10 minutes for an elevator to come and go all the way up to the 1st floor! You are a lazy bunch of freaks that irritate the living daylights out of me. I want to kick you out of the elevator. I mean seriously it the height of laziness. It’s amazing how lazy the human race has become. We emitted from running across countries chasing animals to hunt for food now we are too lazy to walk 2km to McDonalds. I know you are sitting there saying “that’s not me” well guess what even I do it. Its human nature. We find ways to make everything go by faster and go quicker. Faster cars, faster food, faster, faster faster! Ahhh it annoys me. People slow the hell down and smell the roses. Yes we are only here for a certain amount of time and there is a lot to do but there is a small factor here TIME! It’s not our enemy.  We choose what we do with it. How we divide it into our daily tasks. If you do not make it a task and say I don’t have to do this, I want to trust me time will be in your favor. It is just your perception on it.   Have a good one everyone! I wish you all a clean and sober day for the rest of your life ;-)
Dale Anton
5/4/2010 02:13:23 am

5/4/2010 11:40:02 pm

I absolutely love your views on things. amazing wrighting skills that actually GRIP me.well done!!

5/5/2010 03:27:02 am

Hey ang! Thanks so much ;-) Pass the link around. Loads more to come!

5/6/2010 06:31:47 pm

Also remember that your witing is extremely done well. put very well. but dont limit your subjects to just about stopping and smelling the roses. do everything that you believe in. whether it be polotics, relationships, emotions, death, life, human race. write about it all!!!! your views are something iv not witnessed before. i go onto your web page everyday now. its the highlight of my morn :-)


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Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery