Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery


Just as we create our own destiny, so we create our own destruction. As beautiful as what God had created this earth (or whom ever you acknowledge as your higher power) as much we have destroyed it. Kids with Guns, fathers who beat there sons. Mothers who sell the one entity that we should pride ourselves the most with, their bodies. People are driven by consumerism and material values so much that they fail to notice what the world has come to. What does the mean anyway? What has the world come to? What has it come to? Well I can tell you where it’s going and where it’s come from. Where are the days that the kids could play outside in the streets without having to fear for there safety? That you could afford to buy Christmas presents. What ever happened to cash? What happened to realism? Now we are warped up in the serial and avoiding the suffering around us. I know we do, I do it? We sit back and ask ourselves what is there to do? What more can we do? We leave it at that. All we do is ask questions. Why me? Well here’s a change, ask “why not me” Why are I not the one homeless in the street? Why am I not the 3 year old orphan who lost who mother to aids and her father to murder? Why am I not the one who was raped by 7 men and then beaten half to death? Makes you think twice about where you are and what you have hey? We have become a Godless nation. A nation, a world filled with sin, poverty and suffering. What do we do about it? We become more Godless and care less. One day it will be too late. Then what?
Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery