Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery
Let’s face it. We are all masters of our own destiny. We are put on a path and lead to a certain point. We are advised in which direction to go. To the left we have a dark, bumpy, Forrest grown path. To the right we have a sun filled, beach palace. Which road do we take? The majority would go for the easy road with the beach palace a few miles up the road.
The other few will take the rocky path. What is the difference you may ask? The one who takes the road less traveled will not sit on a beach the whole day, doing the same thing over and over again.
He will never learn a lesson or be able to teach one. The man on the beach will sit there day after day always wondering what the road less traveled would have been like, never being able to love or be loved. Not knowing about life and the lessons he has to be taught, not finding out what his destiny really is. There the man will sit on the beach till he is old and he will be lonely. The man who took the rocky road will fall, get hurt, love, learn about death, about saving and he will learn that the road less traveled does not have a beach palace shared by those who have taken the sun filled road but he has his very own island. Which road have you taken? Or is it to late for you to turn around?

Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery