Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery


 Ok so I am taking it you want to know about me? Who I am, why I wrote what I did? Or write the way I do? Do you really care who I am? Am I really going to change the way you see life? If you think so then well, good for you. That means you are willing to expand your views on the world. On the way it’s been seen and that maybe just maybe we can change it before its too late. Now don’t get me wrong I am not out to try and save the world or do my part for the environment. Truth be told I believe that’s bullshit. If there are let’s say 20 billion people in this world and 1 million of those make an attempt to try and save our planet it may help a little and they may be able to get a few more tree huggers along the way. But in the end what takes them 3 years to do takes the rest of the 2.9 billion people about an hour to undo which I think is not really fair. So the point of this you may ask? Honestly, I don’t know. I would like to depict the world through writing and later on I would add my own photography to here. To show to the world the people who had chosen the road less traveled are no worse off or better off than the people on the road more traveled. That my past does not define who I am, but defines the strengths I have grown from and the lessons I have learnt. Till next time guys! Always and forever just for today!
Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery