Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery
Dreams, desires, lust and insect.

I asked a girl last night what is her desire? Her answer was to find somebody to settle down with. Well as much of a desire that may seem, fro most of us, or the bigger half of the worlds population this is a must. To get married, have kids and love in suburbia happily ever after. Oh hell NO! My desire is first and foremost ME! I desire myself, I lust myself. If I do not who will?

I have the desire to be successful and to be the one yes who has dared to go where no woman has gone before. Where would that be? Well honestly I have no idea, that’s why I am not afraid to go search for the unknown. To take a chance, the risk. To quit playing it safe and just do it, NIKE it!

As fun as that may sound and as daring it has is consequences. You will fall, you will fail, and you will succeed and learn. You just need to grin and bare it for as long as it takes for you to make it. Believe in you! No one can do that for you.

I sent my writing to a few publishers and I got many responses and I didn’t expect a thing. Yes rejection still lies at the door, I mean face it the fairytale ending does not come rite away, even when taking the more traveled road. Yet it comes easier to those who persist and learn from it!

Good luck following your dreams everyone.
Have a clean and sober day!
5/8/2010 06:31:25 pm



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Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery