Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery
Sometimes you get to a point where you have hit rock bottom. Now you have 2 choices.

  1. 6 feet under
  2. To get up

    Strange enough once many of us has hit rock bottom we think we no longer have the energy or strength to get up. On the other hand we are to cowardly to end it all. As odd as it may sound you need also of courage to kill yourself… I know.

    Living life on life’s terms is such a common saying and a lot of people would think “oh fuck off with your dam philosophy”

    Truth of the matter is how else to you expect to live life? On what terms would you live it? Look at the pope, yes he is a very religious man but I am sure he has no other terms on living life on life’s terms. His morals just happen to be that of a Christian.

    Morals and standards are that what allow us and make us accept life on life’s terms. If we had a choice to live life on say for instance a loaf of breads terms we would start of bit by bit, being kneaded, smacked, punched, made to go double our size and put in a hot oven till we are golden brown. As odd as a comparison that may sound it’s not far from the truth. What makes us different than a loaf of bread? What makes us better? To be honest noting, without bread, which is the staple food of about 90% of the population we would not survive. Some families can only afford bread.

    So rather than trying to be the world savior and live life on  superhero terms for world peace term, live it on life’s terms. For it’s those little unexpected bumps or waterfalls you get along the road that surprise you ;-0 


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Spiritual love Angels Addiction Recovery